Egységes Mikrobiológiai Vizsgálati Rendszer : EMVIR
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  • 156 Number of Companies
  • 525 Number of sites
  • 161 Number of users
  • 30641 Number of Bio-examinations
  • 3141 Number of Chem-analisations
  • 901 Treated technological lines

Hungarian patent: EMVIR

EMVIR is a computer implemented invention, that was patented in September, 2013. The innovation was created by the co-operation of the EMVIR Nonprofit Kft. and the Water High School in Baja (, in the local innovation center after more than 5 years research. A patented technology to optimise cost of the wastewater treatment process and by doing this to address the two main challenges of sustainable sewage treatment: electricity demand, and sludge disposal.

New way of microscopic sludge examination

It is a tool to learn, to teach and to gain experience in the subject of microscopic sludge examination even as part of the quality insurance system of a sewage treatment plant. It unifies the knowledge of its users, containing hundreds of pictures, videos and an always growing number of analysis results (over 7,500).

Translating the sludge needs to technological interventions

After finishing the analysis, some technological questions have to be answered that EMVIR raises based on its internal algoritms. In the end the innovation proposes possible technological measurements to increase efficiency based on the requests of the bacterias. High level of analitical tools are also helping the operator to understand trends and consequences of any technological decisions on its own plant.